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The AIOsense PCB support and hand full of modular sensors. Chose any sensor you want but notice the compatibility.

🌡️Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, VOC & Air Quality

For these measurements we recommend the industrial sensors BME680/BME688 or the BME280 (cheaper but without air quality).

Please notice that you can either use the BME280 or the BME680 out of the box (there have the same I²C address).

If you can solder SMD components you can solder them directly onto the PCB. Please notice that you will need and solder these three more components: 2x 4K7 resistor (THT), 1x 100nF capacitor (also SMD). Also important to know: It's not recommended to solder the BME680 with hot air because this can damage the air quality sensor. Use a hotplate instead.

Related to #7 sometimes SMD soldering can be inaccessible or difficult. You can use a BME PCB module instead.

The default offset is -6 °C.

Where to buy?

Part Shops
BME280 (PCB module) Amazon DE³, AliExpress
BME280 (SMD) Reichelt, Mouser, Digi-Key
BME680 (PCB module) Amazon DE³, AliExpress
BME680 (SMD) Reichelt, Mouser, Digi-Key


This sensor is fully compatible with any other sensor or module. You can only choose one BME module and loses one generic I²C port if you choose an PCB module.

💡Illuminance (Light)

You want to turn the light on by motion but only when it's necessary? So you want to know, how bright it is? We recommend the really cheap GY-302 BH1750 PCB.

Where to buy?

Part Shops
BH1750 Amazon DE³, AliExpress


This sensor is fully compatible with any other sensor or module but uses one of the two generic I²C slots. If you want to use the official 3D printed case you have to connect it to the lower slot.


WARNING: Not supported yet! The mic uses some SPI pins. If you want to use the mic you can not use any generic device connected to the these IO-header pins: CS, SCK, MISO as well as any SPI based sensor at all.

We designed the board while having the future in mind. So the idea to have a microphone in each room for a voice assistant would be awesome. Unfortunately, ESPHome does not support this yet (ESPHome feature request). This in mind we can't test this at all but Open Home (the company behind ESPHome and Home Assisant) just release there plans for 2023 and mention that there is hope this will be implemented in the upcoming year.

The AIOsense PCB is designed to work only with INMP441-modules which are known for their high quality digital audio.

Where to buy?

Part Shops
INMP441 Amazon DE³, AliExpress


AIOsense v2.1.0: This sensor is fully compatible with any other sensor or module besides the buzzer. Please disconnect the buzzer first.

🧍Presence (mmWave/radar)

Never heard before? It's a fancy technology to recognize the smallest movements (like a motion sensor/PIR but really sensitive). This is useful in situations you want to track if someone is present even if the person is not really moving for example while watching TV or sleeping.

The board is mainly made for the SEN0395 datasheet. There are two sockets for this sensor. Feel free to choose yourself which one do you prefer. It's just the orientation. There is no difference between these two, and you can't use both sockets at the same time.

Shortly before release of V2.0 someone asked to support the much cheaper module HLK-LD2410 datasheet. So I added a socket. This module is also supported in ESPHome but currently there is no demo config available from our side. So build it yourself.

Where to buy?

Part Shops
SEN0395 (recommended) Mouser, Farnell, Digi-Key
HLK-LD2410 AliExpress
HLK-LD2410C AliExpress


This sensor is fully compatible with any other sensor or module, but you can only use one of them so choose wisely.

🚶Motion Sensor (PIR)

You want a classic motion sensor? No problem. We support an industrial standard EKMC1603111 (Datasheet). Every other 3V PIR sensor with an TO-5 3-pin socket should work as well (but is untested). Please notice that you will need an TO-5 3-pin socket as well (in any case)!

Where to buy?

Part Shops
EKMC1603111 Voelkner, Mouser, Farnell, Digi-Key, RS-Online
TO-5 3-pin socket Mouser, Digi-Key


This sensor is fully compatible with any other sensor or module.

🔊 Piezo Buzzers

This is a passive buzzer which can create music in different frequencies.

Where to buy?

Part Shops
Piezo Buzzer Amazon DE³, Mouser

Please notice the pinout of 6.5mm and a max height of 8.5mm. Otherwise, the buzzer will not fit


This module is fully compatible with any other sensor or module besides HLK-LD2410. The HLK-LD2410C however will work fine.

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